
Welcome to MUSE, a topical bible database, where you can search the Scriptures by Topic, finding passages related to that Topic as well as other useful resources, such as Commentary from our Contributors.

We are always seeking to grow, covering more biblical content with more museful meditations from more thoughtful Contributors, be they individuals or ministries.

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What's New at MUSE?

The site is now complete, with the exception of building out more topic pages besides Creation of the Heavens & the Earth topic page, which has some cool content! -- Check it out here! The site is built so new scripture passages and commentaries can be easily added via the Wordpress content management system that makes use of Advanced Custom Fields. Merely putting the bible reference will generate the bible text on the topic pages. Please let me know if you'd like to be a contributor to submit commentary and teachings on various bible topics! See contact info at the bottom of the page. Thanks!

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Meet the Maker

Hey, I'm Greg Wilson, creator of MUSE! I hope you benefit from this project, being enriched in wisdom and knowledge. You are also welcome to apply to become a contributor, if you feel you have wisdom to share regarding the Scriptures, whether you are a Ministry or just an individual.